lo-rain icon

lo-rain v1.5.2

a macos app that makes it rain no matter where you are, even over your apps

minimum OS requirement: macOS 14.0

a handcrafted app

lo-rain creates a beautiful rain that goes over everything, even windows (or not). it also delicously splashes against the dock. customize speed, color, fps, angle and much more to create the perfect rain for your work.

oh, there's a very VERY beautiful settings panel as well, of course

did i tell you there are fireflies as well? oh boy...

wanna reset your license?

is your license not working anymore or you switched computers? reset it here!


dock splash not working?

that happens when you don't have a dock configuration file. to generate one, close lo-rain, open your system settings, change dock's magnification setting a few times and restart the app, it should work. if you're using a version older than 1.5.2, check automation and accessibility settings for lo-buddy.

something else went wrong?

send us an email at [email protected], we'll be happy to help you out!

how to update?

just download the new version and replace the old one in apps folder

where the hell can i find those wallpapers?

the wallpapers we use in our media is from the artist matt vince, he's amazing!

where's the changelog?

currently it's on our discord server


before version lo-rain v1.5.2, lo-rain required a companion app called lo-buddy

if you don't want to update, you can click lo-buddy icon to download it. Once downloaded, just put it in your Applications folder and it'll be automatically managed by lo-rain

lo-buddy icon

or buy in the App Store (minimum MacOS: 13.0):

app store version is still version 1.0

there's no fireflies as well...

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